Training by Jikei Gakuen School corporation in Japan

Manoj Shiama
6 November, 2018 9:38 pm

President of Nepal Olympic Comittee( NOC) Jeevan Ram Shrestha had bilateral discussions with representatives from Jikei Gakuen School Corperation, Japan under the 2020 Olympic preparation Program.
As per the MOU signed by NOC and Jikei Gakuen School Corperation, Jikei Corperation is providing trainings for the Coaches and Athletes of Nepal.

There will be short and long term training. There will be a 7 days training in Japan in 2018 as a short term training and in that period there will be discussions about the long term training in 2019.

There will also be a Mental and Physical fitness Seminar for coaches in NOC building in November 11, 2018 by Ms. Miyuki Kosuga( Japanese Coach). Ms. Kosuga will also train the Taekwondo players in their Venue in November 12, 2018.

In the program NOC executive member Nilendra Shrestha and NOC staff Mr. Sujan Shrestha was also present.